3rd IEEE Middle East & North Africa COMMunications Conference

The Conference has been Postponed to 03 - 05 December 2021

Agadir, Morocco
Virtual Edition

Conference Information

The 2021 IEEE Middle East & North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2021) will be held on 03-05 December 2021 in Morocco. IEEE MENACOMM 2021 conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE ComSoc chapters consortium (Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain). MENACOMM 2021 is managed by a steering committee with representatives from all technical co-sponsor MENA ComSoc chapters.

IEEE MENACOMM 2021 aims to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners interested in the advances of modern telecommunication systems, networks, and emerging ICT technologies, to present their latest research findings and results. The conference focuses on various aspects of 5G communications and networks. The conference will include a peer-reviewed program of technical sessions, special sessions, and exhibition.

IEEE MENACOMM 2021 Theme will be “Communications for sustainable development”. The conference aims to showcase how communications and Information technologies can enrich a sustainable future on various areas such as agricultural, educational, environmental, health monitoring, etc. The conference will have a special session on sustainability and show how, broadly, various types of communication networks can be used to support a more sustainable life on Earth.

IEEE MENACOMM 2021 will be a chance to explore Agadir, Agadir is a major city in Morocco. It is located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean near the foot of the Atlas Mountains, just north of the point where the Souss River flows into the ocean and 509 kilometres south of Casablanca. Agadir is the capital of the Agadir Ida-U-Tanan Prefecture and of the Souss-Massa economic region.

We look forward to meeting you in Agadir, Morocco at IEEE MENACOMM 2021.

Technical Sponsors & Affiliated Parteners